
New Year's Reading

I don't know how you'll be spending your new year, but I'll be spending mine in the written word. Here are five things that will be keeping me busy over the next couple of months.

1. The Stand by Stephen King

2. Crazy Love by Francis Chan

3. unchristian by David Kinnaman

4. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

5. My Kindle. It was a Christmas present. On it is Stephen King's 11/22/63, Dean Koontz's Shadow Street, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons, and a half-dozen novellas/short stories.

What's in your book stack?


  1. I am excited to see Sherman Alexie on your list. Have you read him before? I discovered him a couple of years ago and really enjoyed his writing and his perspective. I also just discovered Stephen King last year and 11/22/63 was one of the first things I read on my Kindle. I am just into Book 2 of the Dark Tower and The Long Walk has also been highly recommended.
    Our first book of the year for book club is "Alone Together" by Sherry Turkle. I can't say that I'm exactly looking forward to it, but it will be read, none the less.

  2. I haven't read anything from Sherman Alexie before - but since I have two Native kids that will be attending predominantly white schools, I'm eager to see his perspective.
