
Five for Friday

This is the last Christmas list. I promise. On a lighter note, this list is probably the easiest to appease. This is the list for Bekah and the kids, in case you happen to be the type that shops for them.

1. Bekah is a coffee addict. The best gift anyone can give her are one pound bags of coffee (whole bean, we have a grinder). She usually drinks Starbucks, but is willing to drink any brand of coffee.

2. Bekah is flexible when it comes to home brewed coffee, but she is faithful in her choice of lattes. Grande triple shot (sometimes venti quad shot) cinnamon dulce latte, extra hot, and only from Starbucks. You can help support the latte habit with Starbucks gift cards.

3. Christian has two big areas of interest: dinosaurs and superheroes. Any gift involving either of those realms of fascination would be perfect.

4. Zu is our princess, and she loves dressing up in princess clothes. And to be fair, she will play and dress up in any pretty dress or costume. If you're looking for dress up clothes for Zu - look for the ornate. She'll live inside her own fairy tale.

5. JJ is probably the most difficult of the kids to shop for as he doesn't really play with toys. He'll pick them up and carry them around. He'll hand it to you, tell you what it is, then demand it back. Balls and toy cars are the two things he gravitates toward, but he loves hats. He'll put anything on his head - buckets, bowls, my hats, boxes - and walk around the house as if he's parading a new fashion statement. Get him a funky hat and he'll enjoy that far more than any real toy.

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